New Delhi

Baglamukhi Sadhna Peeth

Pithadhishwar – Acharya Atulya Nath

Kanjhawala Industrial Area, Rupali Enclave, Karala, Delhi 110081


The capital of the country, Delhi and a village adjacent to it, Kanjhawala-Karala, in which the Rupali Enclave Colony is situated where the goddess Baglamukhi sits in his temple Baglamukhi Sadhana Peeth.

magazine article

Kanjhawala-Karala village has had a very important place in the history since Vedic period. There was a half-incomplete and old temple situated here, which contained many legends, concocted stories. The temple had one and a quarter-to-seven feet stone. According to one of the greatest legends about this rock, this old temple was of the demon king Acharya Shukracharya. The Daitya Guru Acharya Shukracharya sat on the rock in this temple and attained Brahmastra by doing severe penance. Subsequently, Shukracharya gave the knowledge of the same Brahmastra to the daityas so that they could remain immortal in the battle of sur-asura.

Well, it was just a legend that was told by the people of the village. Then slowly time passed and the urbanization of Kanjhawala started. Mundka, Rani Khera, Bahadurgarh and many areas adjoining Kanjhawla were gradually becoming industrial areas and then started the residentialization of that area.

At the time when land colonizers started developing the colony here, they also left the land  from every sides for this old stone temple. People made all efforts to build the temple in the spirit of reconstruction, but they failed because of some untoward incident and then they abandoned that idea. A bad omen about that temple had occupied the minds of the people. People were not only afraid to taking the name of that temple but to even think about it.

But it is said that if there is a cause of public welfare behind an action, then the divine powers also engage with you in carrying out that. Through some contacts, this news reached Atul Nathji. People told him about Daityaraja Shukracharya in detail and the legends prevailing there related to that rock.

Guru Maharaj Atul Nath ji first thought this to be ridiculous, but the unwavering faith of the people also put Guru Ji in a little doubt. He also agreed to see that place. The time and day was fixed and then Guru Ji reached Kanjhawala with a desire to see that place.

Upon reaching the temple premises, Guru Maharaj Atul Nathji inspected the place and he sat on the same stone and started meditating. When Guruji felt the place, he was also surprised. There was something there but what? Guruji did not mention this to anyone. But an announcement was made that the temple of Mata Baglamukhi would be constructed here. Land colonizers, with their consent, also gifted the place to Guru Ji  to build temple.

But the colonizers had also put strange conditions while donating the land for temple. The first one was that they would not pay for the construction of the temple and the second was that the temple should be built within 32 days. The third condition was that there should not be any damage to the undeveloped colony. The completion of the temple in 32 days was a test for Atulya Nath Ji. Gurudev also got a little surprised and he got into a serious thinking. It was a test for him but Gurudev gave his decision after a brief silence. “The temple will be built on these conditions” Gurudev said yes and considered his decision to be a God’s order.

Then the work of temple construction started. First of all, that yellow 7.25-foot stone was cut and sent for the construction of statue to Jaipur. It was decided that the statue of Maa Baglamukhi would be made with the same stone. Seeing that bhatta stone (a type of stone), no sculptor was ready to make an idol and even, untoward incidents began to happen to sculptors who tried to create an sculpture from the stone .

baglamukhi temple
Baglamukhi Pitambra Tantra Peeth (Mandir)

On the other hand, Gurudev started the construction work of the temple. The day the shuttering of the roof of the temple was opened, the dome (shikhara) fell down on the floor. People started talking that fake cement was installed. The dome construction resumed but the day the work was over, the dome collapsed once again due to a severe thunderstorm. The repeated falls of the dome was now becoming a matter of little concern for Gurudev; He himself was also very surprised.

But with the strong will of Guru Maharaj Atul Nath ji, the work was resumed and a 54-foot high dome of bricks stood up. But it also became a surprise to everyone as this 54-foot-high dome had become bended overnight which could have fallen anytime. On the other hand, the sculptor, who was engaged in the creation of the statue, arrived from Jaipur to Delhi and spoke to Guruji that he could not work on this statue any further. On asking the reason, it was found that since he was working, his health had started deteriorating and he himself spoke to Guruji about getting cancer.

Guru Maharaj Atul Nath ji started thinking about these circumstances but he was not distracted by obstacles. That day Guru Maharaj ordered that sculptor from Jaipur to stay in Delhi only. Then in the evening, the work of digging the Yoni-Kund started in the temple and at night Guru Maharaj also got a wooden four-legged seat made and ordered to bring a black blanket to be placed on it. All the work was being done according to the wishes of Guru Maharaj. With this, another work started in the temple premises. Guru Maharaj ordered two laborers to take down the bended dome at night. By the morning, both tasks were completed. In the morning, when Guru Maharaj woke up from meditation, he called the sculptor himself and while giving the ashes of the Yoni-Kund to him, said, “Go, sprinkle this ash on that stone, and yes you can accept this as an offering. Everything will be fine; the sculpture will also be made and your illness will also be over”. The sculptor left for Jaipur with the blessings of Guru Maharaj and the ashes of Yoni-Kund and the Guru Maharaj started the temple work here. For the fourth time, the work of the dome of the temple started and many other incidents also happened with it but it is forbidden to mention those events. The work was carried on 24 hours and Gurudev remained present in the Sadhana until the construction was over.

baglamukhi old statue
Baglamukhi Devi, Old Statue

In just 14 days, the idol was curved and brought to Delhi and the temple was also ready here. Now, the work of eminence of Maa Baglamukhi idol started. The temple on the same date announced by Gurudev. There was an atmosphere of happiness everywhere, bhajans and kirtans were going on and Bhandara too was begun. All the work was being done by rituals, but the time had decided something else. What happened that day was no small incident.

When the time came to install the idol of Goddess Baglamukhi at its right place, the idol did not move a bit from there. Everyone tried their best together but the idol did not move even an inch. Everybody was surprised. After exhausting, it was decided that a crane be brought for the idol of the goddess. Then the crane also came but the time had decided something else. The crane also broken down after reaching the temple. Now people had started taking it as a matter of ridicule than worrying about it.

Once again Guru Maharaj sat down in penance. After this, the statue moved too and was installed on the pedestal which was made for the statue of Goddess Bhagwati. As soon as the statue was installed on the pedestal, the toe of Mother Bagla Bhagwati’s foot was cracked. Seeing all this, Guru Maharaj’s face turned red with anger. It is said that if a seeker who has achieved Nyasa pays obeisance to any statue, it breaks.

This statue of Maa Baglamukhi was strike-facing. Whoever comes in front of such a statue , it is impossible not to escape. That is why special care is taken while making the statue not to be striking.

At the time when the statue was installed, Guru Maharaj was seated in front of it. As soon as the statue appeared in front of Gurudev, it became cracked. Anything could have happened but the goddess takes all the sufferings and miseries of her devotees on herself. Something similar happened here. goddess Bhagwati Pitambara took the burden of that bad omen. The stone which was not ready to be cut was hardly cut in a form and the statue of Maa Bhagwati also curved out of it.

If there were someone else in place of Gurudev, perhaps the sculptors would not have been ready to cut this sculpture at all, but the sculptors were familiar with the personality of Guru Ji, his respect and the fear of Guru Ji. The breaking of the statue of Maa Bhagwati was not right. Bhandara was done, everything was done by rituals. Many people from nearby also came to that temple complex that day. Many senior and well-known Congress leaders including Sajjan Kumar were also present there.

Time began to pass and, with the blessings of Guru Ji, colonizers of that area also flourished. At a time, the price of the land was only between ₹ 400 and ₹ 700 per yard but soon, the price of the same the land reached between 40000 and ₹ 70000 per yard.

Everyone was happy but there was no peace in the temple premises. Initially, everything seemed to be going well, but slowly stealing, robberies, looting etc. started spreading. The worshipers had started coming to the temple, but apart from this, some serious things were also taking place in and around the temple premises. On the other hand, colonizers also turned their back towards the temple. The intellects of the temple priests also started getting corrupted. The underdevelopment colonies were gradually inhabited. The land-colonizers were competing to make big money. Due to all this, time was running out somehow.

Guru Maharaj was also watching all this and was considering these events happening. One day Guru Maharaj asked the priest of the temple to bring a sledge hammer. The priest brought the sledge hammer and right in front of the eyes, Guru Maharaja ruined the statue of Maa Baglamukhi with that sledge hammer. The priest was frightened to see this form of Guru ji. He could not understand anything, but he could not ask Guruji anything. That night a very severe thunderstorm came. Gurudev’s anger had subsided. Gurudev ordered to build a second stone idol. On the other hand, a war broke out between the land-colonizers and the temple management and a series of accusations arose.

baglamukhi new statue
Baglamukhi Devi, New Statue

During all this, a new statue of Maa Bhagwati was built and brought to the temple premises and also installed in its proper place. The curse was released again. Before breaking the idol, Gurudev had installed Panchamundi Aasan (a holy seat)  in the temple and spent three months in the same temple premises and did a lot of sadhana. It simply means that Gurudev first made himself powerful because without doing so, it was not possible to remove that statue of Maa Bhagwati. The statue was reinstalled for which curse release was necessary. The importance of this Siddha Peetha is also linked to its octagon construction.

Ashta Kon – This temple of Maa Bhagwati Bagalamukhi built in the octagon and in the temple-premises is the octagon Yoni-Kund, in front of which is the Panch-Mundi seat. This Ashta-Mukhi temple in itself is a place of influence and high order for every kind of use of tantra, mantra, yantra.

guruji in anushthan at yoni kund
Guruji Atulya Nath performing anushthan on Yoni Kund

Yoni Kund – All creation has originated from the Yoni. The most famous Peeth in the world is that of Bhagwati Kamakhya Maa. The mother is set here in form of Yoni. Three days in a month, with that blood offering of menstruation, all the tantrik’s around the world get perfection in all kinds of actions and rituals. This temple of Vedic period Maa Bhagwati in Yoni form is ancient.

Therefore, Goddess Bhagwati, who resides in the form of Yoni in the entire world, has been given divine honor and all the divine yajans have been made, they have been successful in the form of the Yoni-kund of Maa Bhagwati. Guru Maharaj, after considering all this, established the north facing Yoni-kund in this temple premises. This Yoni-kund, with the blessings of Mother Bhagwati, has been installed in this temple premises, for those who are wishing to successfully attain wealth, knowledge, baby son, knowledge science, health. Guru Maharaj says “I have seen many politicians winning the election by putting the tilak of the ashes of this Yoni kunda. I prostrate for a hundred  times to the Goddess Bagalamukhi Yoni Kund, the giver of strength, enjoyment, salvation

Pancha Mundi Asana – This Panch Mundi asana is present in the five elements – fire, water, air, sky, land – and in the divine form Pancha-Bateshwar Mahadev is present in this asana. It is written in the tantric texts that there are rare seekers who are not only shamshan-vashi but top-class seekers as well. It is inevitable to get success in sitting and chanting pure on this posture. So, a person with good and pure thoughts, who has the special grace of the Guru, can only sit and act on this asan.

guru ji anushthan with devotees
Guruji performing anushthan for devotees

On attaining Pancha Mundi state, the state of the seeker becomes completely dependent and devoted to the goddess, becoming passive, inert, and egoless like Shivaji’s shav-awastha. According to the Tantric texts, the seeker first sits on the aasan of panchmundi and does the spiritual practice of Mahadev, Tara, etc. Then 10 Mahavidya, 9 Durga, 64 Jogani, and 52 Bhairava etc. impure powers are remembered but performing this level of sadhana not in the hands of any ordinary seeker.

This discussion is very different. Such a seeker practices in the abject order of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh, which are beyond thinking. Then he is the recipient, he is the confessor, and he becomes the possessor of all powers.

Panchamundi Asan is always occupied by Panchpreta, who always protects the Master of the Asan and by living in an invisible form, they create such a creation which is amazing in itself.

guruji anusthan at samshan
Shamshan, Pakshi Vihar, DND Flyover, Noida